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On Wednesday we had workshops about the alternatives of social media. We worked in many groups. The workshop was leaded by two teachers. First we had to write down the positive things about social media. We found a few positive things like communication, shopping on line, learning etc. But just like there is a positive side there is also a negative side of social media. We think that the negativties are stalking, abuse of social media, addiction etc. Finally we had to write down alternatives of social media. We found out that we have many diffrent hobbies like foothball, dance, singing, playing an instrument, reading, listening to music and other things. In conclusion we can say that even if we spend time on social media we can use it safetly and smart and we can find ways so we don´t get addicted.

Ema M., Erasmus+ team Slovenia

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4 Responses

  1. What do you tell about social media to the children?
    Thank you.

    • Petra Gabriel says:

      Nowadays social media are part of our life. But we must use them very carefully, we must think over, before we share something, publish some photo or video. But we can’t avoid them, we just have to use them smartly. That’s what we teach our students.

  2. Nice post,thanks for sharing,very useful
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