

We Will Be Discussing…

In the next three months our Slovenian group will be discussing about: Cyberbullying Cyberabuse Addiction Grooming Incitement to violence Sexting Racism Xenophobia Flaming Cyberstalking Cyberhate Happy slapping And how to prevent them.  


A New Beginning

Today we have began a new year of Erasmus+. In this year, we are going to go on mobility to Macedonia and Romania. We will learn their habits and traditions and we will learn...

Reflections about the mobility in Slovenia 2

Reflections about the mobility in Slovenia

My name is Renata Nicoleta Dobre.  I’m almost fifteen years old and I’m one of the children who had the opportunity to  travel to Slovenia by the Erasmus+ project. In my opinion the experience...


Students’ presentation for teachers

Not long ago our girls came back from the mobility in Poland. They showed pictures with exchitment and told us all the interesting things they experienced on this mobility. These kind of experiences are...